
<== Site Review (2014-03-23) ==>


MuZicScape is a music folder to help musicians reduce sheet music clutter on their music stands.

Anyone whose watched Victor Borge knows the troubles musicians have turning pages of music. Of course, Mr. Borges also has the tendency to pronounce punctuation as he reads; so he might not be a good example.

Most professional musicians know that a good clean stage appearance is an important part of the show. Having music in a handsome folder enhances the stage presence.

To help bring their music folder to the market MuZicScape is running a kickstarter campaign to help fund the initial production costs. The video below is the pitch for the campaign and the widget to the right shows the status of the campaign which ends April 16th, 2014.

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Site NameMuZicScape
Review History2014-03-23
Category Saint George: Music
Page Views4917
PreviousSplit Rock
NextRankin Studio

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